Mind & Body

Insomnia and Seniors
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder characterized by a persistent difficulty1 to fall or remain asleep despite the opportunity to do so. People with insomnia also experience excessive daytime sleepiness and other cognitive impairments while they are awake that directly stem from sleep loss. People may have sleep-onset insomnia, which causes difficulty falling asleep, or sleep maintenance insomnia, which causes difficulty staying asleep. Some people with insomnia experience sleep onset and sleep maintenance issues.
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6 Tips: How Herbs Can Interact With Medicines

I have always taken supplements. I have often bought into the ads that promise to improve my memory, make me live longer or make me last longer when the need arises.

Another issue a number of seniors have is mixing cannabis with prescription drugs. I take high cholesterol and high blood pressure medicine. I also consume cannabis on a daily basis.  Most seniors chose to smoke flower, but consumables (gummies, infused drinks, etc.) are gaining popularity.  I have never had any issues over the last 60 years I have consumed cannabis, but you should talk to your healthcare provide before mixing your favorite Indica with your statins. 

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Men And Women Are Different

God created two sexes, men and women. There are thousands of similarities and differences. There are differences from woman to woman and from man to man. Realizing our similarities and differences and applying this knowledge to our relationships can help make a strong relationship even stronger. Thank you God for these differences.


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