
10 creative ways to reuse old cardboard boxes

Recycling is an important part of preserving our planets resources. Many of us have old cardboard boxes laying around the garage. Here are some basic ideas for recycling cardboard boxes. 

  1. Decorative Bathroom Storage Bins:

         o Transform cardboard boxes into stylish organizers for toiletries, toilet                      paper, or washcloths.

         o Cut off the flaps, cover the outside with contact or wrapping paper, and                  add a fabric lining.

More ideas at PureAudacity.com in their "Hacks" journals.

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From Weeds to House Plants
10 plants that grow naturally in the wild that make beautiful house plants. Include how to dig them up, how to enhance their use as a house plant. Include reasons why to acquire house plants in this manner, how to care for them. Also include their needs after transplanting such as temperature, plant food, light and watering needs.
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The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
In the annals of culinary history, few innovations have had the everyday impact of sliced bread. This staple of modern kitchens owes its existence to the ingenuity and perseverance of Otto Frederick Rohwedder, an American inventor whose quest for convenience transformed the way we consume one of humanity’s oldest foods.
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25 hacks for bringing your neighbors into a closer-knit community, making your neighborhood safer and more fun.
25 hacks for bringing your neighbors into a closer-knit community, making your neighborhood safer and more fun.I was pulling out of our driveway the other day and I saw the same guy that walks his two dogs every day. I don't know his name. He has been living in the neighborhood and has walked his dogs almost every day for 10 years. I was sad and ashamed that I did not even know his name. Not good. There are so many reasons that neighbors should take the time to get to know one another. 
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10 chores you have been doing manually that iphone can do more efficiently for you.
10 chores you have been doing manually that iphone can do more efficiently for you. Remember when a phone was just a phone. Remember before we had cell phones the drive home from work was a time to let the day of tensions from work flow from your body as you drove home in the solitude of your car. Back then we had those precious moments when on on in the world could get ahold of you. But all that has changed with the cell phone. I used to have a cell phone (we called them a brick when they first came out), Thomas Guide (200 page map) , camera, paper planner, flashlight, magnifying glass, blood pressure machine, a step counter on my belt, alarm clock, CD filling my car's sun visor, manual thermostat for the home air conditioner, and no way to track my kids. Now my iphone does all that and more.  
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