Blog Your Thoughts

Why You Should Avoid Using 'But' In Compliments
The impact of language on communication and relationships is profound and multifaceted. Within the rich tapestry of human interaction, the words we choose are not merely vessels for our thoughts; they are powerful tools that can either build or erode the foundations of our relationships. This is particularly evident in the way compliments are framed, especially when the conjunction 'but' is employed, subtly shifting a message’s tone and implication.
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Hippie History by an Old Hippie

The movement originated on university campuses in the U.S., though has spread to other countries, including Canada and Britain. The name comes from hip, a term applied to Beats from the 1950s, such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, generally considered to be precursors to the hippies. Although the movement emerged partly in opposition to the United States participation in the Vietnam War (1955-75), hippies were generally not actively involved in politics, in contrast with their activist counterparts known as the "Yippies" (Youth International Party). Hippies were primarily a middle-class, white, teenage to twenty-something group that was part of the so-called Baby Boomer generation by demographers.

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My Next Birthday is My Big 70!
This last year has been somewhat trying, but it could have been worse.  I had two stroke and quadruple heart bypass. The good news is that I am healthier than I have been for a number of years
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