My Next Birthday is My Big 70!

This last year has been somewhat trying, but it could have been worse.  I had two stroke and quadruple heart bypass. The good news is that I am healthier than I have been for a number of years.  I used to have high blood pressure that always scared me. Now it is pretty much normal most of the time.  Thank God for modern medicine. I am the President of  Our byline is "life begins at 50, gets really good at 60 and primo at 70! If you are facing a heart bypass our modern doctors have the whole bypass procedure down to a solid process.  Just don't put it off if you are told you have to have it done. Doctors do about 340,000 of them a year. After about 4 months I am better than I had been for years. I can exercise and do other physical things (use your imagination) like I am 40 years old again.  Life begins ar 50,gets really good at 60 and primo at 70!

Let me have your thoughts.

Darrell Griffin

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