Life starts at 50, gets great at 60 and primo at 70.

More Adults Over 50 Starting Their Own Businesses
Adults age 50 and older are starting new businesses at a rate that's been growing for more than 20 years — and accelerating since 2008. Many of these new entrepreneurs are using skills developed during careers to start successful businesses, all while enjoying the experiences that come with working for themselves.
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Snoop turns 50
 Snoop turns 50 recently (October 20). The rapper, media personality and businessman celebrates his birthday with a custom Lakers inspired old school that has a photo of himself, the late Kobe Bryant and the rest of the Lakers team celebrating a victorious win spray painted across the trunk.
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10 Free Entertainment Activities for Seniors
Whether you're saving for retirement, living on a fixed income, or just looking for new ways to be smart about how you spend your money, consider the many ways that you can trim your entertainment budget and actually increase your fun. Here are 10 of the best ideas I've found.
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