Life starts at 50, gets great at 60 and primo at 70.

Weed and Wine Tours
A quick way to learn about cannabis and just have some fun is to go on a canna tour. They are available in most cities in the U.S. where cannabis is legal. Give one or them a try. 
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Your Sex Life at 70 Plus
Your Sex Life at 70 Plus What to expect for romance in your 70s by Sari Harrar, AARP The Magazine, April 19, 2018  Hi, This is Darrell Griffin, I love AARP Magazine.  I am blessed to be reasonably happy and fit...
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A Bunch of Hippie Sayings & Quotes

We gathered some hippie sayings and quotes with the help of 70’s & 60’s hippie phrases are also included in this writing. Hope you’ll love it. You will remember some of this and some you won't. Like they say if you remember all of the 60's then you weren't there.  


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Farmer’s Handbook on Basic Agriculture - A holistic  perspective of  scientific  agriculture
Agriculture is an important sector of Indian Economy as more than half of its population relies on Agriculture as principle source of income.  Wherever there are people there is the necessity of growing food. has many sources of information on agriculture.  Some if it is free to us and some of it costs us.  At we review thousands of information sources every month. If we find it for free we pass it on to you free. If it costs us and we can not find a good free source we pass the costs on to you.  We are in a time in history where the knowledge of growing your own food is becoming very important.  Research and Extension systems play major role in generation and dissemination of Agricultural technologies aiming at enhancing the income of farmers.
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