Life starts at 50, gets great at 60 and primo at 70.

Sam Elliott- cowboy, actor, hunk
Going strong at 70 years old, American actor Sam Elliott earned an Oscar nomination for his supporting role in A Star Is Born (2018). 2018 was a monumental year for Elliot, who earned critical acclaim for his performance in A Star Is Born.
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Growing older often leaves people feeling as though there is no longer a purpose or purpose to their lives. This can lead to depression and loneliness. However, you (or a loved one) do not have to accept a boring life post-retirement. Seniors can take up many interesting activities to occupy their bodies and minds while they are bored.
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Haircuts recycled
 Things have changed. When was the last time you saw a barber pole. I remember how the "Modern Hair Styling" poster in barber shop influenced me to get a "flattop." I hated my new haircut and could not wait for it to grow out. 
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