Life starts at 50, gets great at 60 and primo at 70.

10 chores you have been doing manually that iphone can do more efficiently for you.
10 chores you have been doing manually that iphone can do more efficiently for you. Remember when a phone was just a phone. Remember before we had cell phones the drive home from work was a time to let the day of tensions from work flow from your body as you drove home in the solitude of your car. Back then we had those precious moments when on on in the world could get ahold of you. But all that has changed with the cell phone. I used to have a cell phone (we called them a brick when they first came out), Thomas Guide (200 page map) , camera, paper planner, flashlight, magnifying glass, blood pressure machine, a step counter on my belt, alarm clock, CD filling my car's sun visor, manual thermostat for the home air conditioner, and no way to track my kids. Now my iphone does all that and more.  
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Generations: A Journey Through Time

Generations are the markers of societal evolution, each imbued with distinct characteristics shaped by the events, culture, and values of their time. From the dawn of the 20th century to the present day, we've witnessed the rise and fall of generations, each leaving its unique imprint on the tapestry.

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Your cell phone can make  your life a lot easier.
Do more than talk on your iphone and listen to music. Your cell phone can make  your life a lot easier. The ipone that you have in your butt pocket is more than for talking on and snapping pictures. You have more power in your pocket than General motors had to run their entire company 30 years ago. Use it.
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