Life starts at 50, gets great at 60 and primo at 70.

The Audacity of Smell: Unlocking Its Hidden Power

Smell is an audacious and underestimated sense, wielding extraordinary power over emotions, memories, and perceptions. It subtly influences experiences, from evoking nostalgia with familiar scents to triggering passion with a whiff of cologne. The brain’s capacity to anticipate and blend scents reveals smell’s ability to deceive, while its role in attraction, creativity, and survival highlights its evolutionary significance. Smell sharpens instincts and inspires ideas, shaping human connections and creativity in profound ways. Often operating unnoticed, smell holds the audacity to constantly influence and enhance our lives, urging us to take a moment and appreciate its hidden magic.

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Metabolic Syndrome: What is it and how to live with it

Metabolic syndrome stands as a multifaceted health challenge, weaving together a tapestry of conditions that, in concert, amplify the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. At its core, this syndrome is not identified by a singular symptom or marker but rather by the confluence of several metabolic dysfunctions. These include abdominal obesity—a waistline expanded beyond healthy measures—coupled with elevated blood pressure, increased levels of fasting blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol profiles, and insulin resistance.

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