Mind & Body

Anxiety and Older Adults
Anxiety In Older Adults
Anxiety disorders are more common in older adults than depression, yet they are frequently overlooked because of a focus on depression and dementia in older adults, * according to the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.PureAudacity.com  will be doing a 6-part series on anxiety in older adults.
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6 Tips: How Herbs Can Interact With Medicines

I have always taken supplements. I have often bought into the ads that promise to improve my memory, make me live longer or make me last longer when the need arises.

Another issue a number of seniors have is mixing cannabis with prescription drugs. I take high cholesterol and high blood pressure medicine. I also consume cannabis on a daily basis.  Most seniors chose to smoke flower, but consumables (gummies, infused drinks, etc.) are gaining popularity.  I have never had any issues over the last 60 years I have consumed cannabis, but you should talk to your healthcare provide before mixing your favorite Indica with your statins. 

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